Thursday, March 29, 2012


I just watched the movie Midnight In Paris, and I fell in love with the 20's. This movie was about a couple who are visiting Paris. The man finds out that at Midnight, he can basically time travel to the 20's in Paris. (His ideal time period) He does find out, that it doesn't matter what era you exist in, you are never fully content.

As much as I believe that you are always searching for something better, more nostalgic, in movies, music, fashion, politics, etc. I absolutely cannot picture a time period where people are actually saying, "I'd love to go back to the 20th century, and listen to Justin Beiber, and Kelly Clarkson ALL the time." (Only giving those examples, because I am horrible when it comes to modern music at the moment.) It makes perfect sense though.
I am a huge fan of the 50's. Well, technically, the 20's through the 70's, but I'm narrowing it down here. It's my ideal time period. I adore the music, it was raw, innocent, or maybe not so innocent. It was passionate, and original. Original. There's a word that seems almost foreign right now. Is it even possible to be original anymore? Maybe people won't look back on these days as being ideal. I certainly can't imagine it.

Then again, maybe I'm going to decide to be happy where I am. What other option do I have, really? Be happy, or be miserable. "Live in the 50's" is not really an option. Plus, I am no housewife.

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