Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bunny Hunny

We celebrated Easter a day early this year. It went a lot better than last year, so that's a plus. 
Why is it that when I shop for basket stuff, I feel like I spend a ton, it looks like a ton, and then I get it home, and set up, and it looks like nothing? This is the problem with birthdays, and Christmas, too. 

Our tradition is to color eggs, and then the Easter Bunny, (me, at a horribly late hour) hides them around the house. N gets up in the morning, searches for the eggs, finds his basket, DIGS IN. I lack creativity when it comes to "hiding" these eggs in plain sight, so I only hid a few, this year. Plus, if I hide a lot, I have to write down where they're at, so that we don't lose them, only to randomly smell rotten eggs a few weeks later... (this has happened.)

Huge Chocolate bunny. No big deal.

I remember as a kid, LOVING the morning of Easter. We looked for eggs, and were always SO surprised to find one under our pillows. ("HOW did the EB do that?! He must be real.....")

N asked me this morning if the Easter Bunny was real. I said, "Yes," and that was the end of that conversation.  I hate lying to him! Why does he have to ask?! When I tell him the Easter Bunny is coming, and he just believes it, I realize that that is a lie, also, but when he straight up ASKS, and I have to say yes, I sort of feel crappy about it. (I realize how little sense this makes.)

How old is too old to believe? Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause? I don't remember how old I was when I learned the truth, but I sort of came to the realization on my own. Then I asked my dad, and he confirmed it for me. (my mom was less than thrilled) I was seriously disappointed! I got over it, though. I just remember the MAGIC of Santa and the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fiary when I was young, and I want N to have that! It sort of takes the fun out of things when you know the truth. 

I can NEVER keep those finger nails clean...... ugh.
The plus side to them knowing the truth, is that they can thank YOU - mom and dad- for spending hundreds of dollars on their gifts, and spending 5 hours (in my case, because I am TERRIBLE at wrapping presents.) wrapping them all, and making them pretty under the tree, or in the basket.

When that time comes, I hope N won't be too disappointed, or angry that he was lied to. I'm not ready for that, though. I'm not ready for that major part of childhood to be over for him, or for me.

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